Steveston Dyke Trail

Steveston Dyke Trail

Scattered musings of a tired mind:
So, I’ve been at the new job for 2 weeks now.  I can’t believe I’ve been back from Vancouver for almost two weeks.  Anyways, the job is good, the company is actually really great, which was a pleasant surprise.  But, its still just a job, not a career.  I got to say its been an adjustment losing all that free time.  And then the stupid clocks went forward an hour this week, totally whacking me out.  They say women have the worse time adjusting to the time change.  I hate that they say that, but its been true for me.

Then to top it off, I’m fighting a cold which has left me with an annoying cough.  Oh, woe is me….just kidding.  There are worse things in life, I know.  And, so, I’m totally looking forward to the weekend.  My friend and I are taking our friend, the one with post-partum depression, to a spa for the day.  Our early, early birthday present to her.  We’re going to a spa about an hour northeast of Toronto.  I’m looking forward to it, feel like some pampering is in order.  I’m only getting a manicure, cause everything else at this spa is incredibly pricey, but it’ll be good, I’ve always like getting my hands massaged.  I don’t care about the actual manicure, just the massage!

Recently, I’ve been trying to get focused on my goals.  When I was off work I started compiling these lists of things I liked doing (to figure out what I was good at), and then lately I started to put together a list of things I want to do in the next 2 years.  And, being the crazyass, unpredictable person I can be, I realized that I needed to organize all my thoughts of all the things I wanted to do to get me focused.  I have a tendency to be a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants person, which works for me, but I’m also realizing that I’m giving myself not a lot of time to accomplish what I want to – so I must focus.  Anyways, I’m trying to tick off a few of them for this year – learn Mandarin, try Hot Yoga, keep up with my Spanish, Treetop Trek are some things on the list.  Of course I have a travel list of places I want to see and I definitely plan on ticking off one this year.

First though….need to get rid of this damn, freakin cold.  I’m going to bed now.

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